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FMCSA URS Rule Date Change


FMCSA URS Rule Date Change

The wheels of government turn slowly, and the FMCSA is no exception.  As you know by now, the URS (Unified Registration System) implementation has largely been pushed out to 9/30/2016, except that new applicants must use the new system after 12/12/2015, and will only be issued a US DOT Number.

While we believe that this unified approach will ultimately benefit all of us in the industry by helping with fraud and compliance, in the short term these date shifts just add to the complexity of effectively managing all of your partners.  If you’re a shipper working with brokers and freight forwarders, you’d better make sure that you’re working with firms that have made the right technology and data investments to ensure compliance and seamless operational support.  The largest firms will likely have the systems to stay on top of it for you, while your smaller partners will struggle to make those same investments.  At Executive Freight, we’ve made state-of-the-art technology and data investments to stay ahead in these changing times, while still remaining nimble enough to provide you with the personalized service and flexibility that you need to be successful.  If you’d like to learn more about what Executive Freight has done to prepare for this transition, we’d love to talk to you.